RKR GNANODHAYA focuses on the holistic development of the student and together with academics, the assessment covers Life Skills, Attitudes and Values, Sports and Games as well as Extra-Curricular Activities.

  • Kids learn through engaging and fun activities like music and art, transforming playtime to install significant cognitive abilities, motor abilities and skills. Our pre-school education is based on playing, singing, practical activities such as drawing social interaction as part of transition from home to school
  • For Primary class student we focus more on their internal growth of a student rather than physical and mental activities. The course introduces students to the core subjects that elementary school students study, which includes mathematics, science, social science and languages like English and Tamil
  • Most important goal of our Middle School is our child develops strong study habits, to continue to embrace learning, and to value education in general. Our middle school students take high school courses and will be ready to build their math skills and prepare to tackle those high school courses. We provide the following subjects to our children
    English, Tamil ,Mathematics, Science, Social Science
  • We conduct High School certificate examinations, prepare courses of studies, textbooks, teaching materials, etc.,. Desired facilities are provided to the students, subjects are offered according to mental and physical ability of students, and their personality is also developed. We provide the following subjects to our children
    English, Tamil , Mathematics, Science, Social Science
  • Ours students of Secondary School Education get a chance to explore different avenues and possible career choices. Our Higher education gives children the skills to excel in a particular area of interest and gain skills like critical thinking, creativity and innovation.

    Group I – English, Tamil , Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer science
    Group II – English, Tamil , Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology
    Group III – English, Tamil, Accountancy , Commerce ,Economics , Computer Application
    Group IV – English, Tamil , Accountancy, Commerce , Economics , Business Maths & Statistics